We are experts in communication, leadership and wellbeing and enablers of extraordinary transformative change work.
We train individuals and groups on verbal and non-verbal communication skills. We inspire people to connect. To connect with others and to connect within. We help them find the right strategy to manage stress in today’s world. And we teach others how to spark peak performance in themselves and their teams, motivating and inspiring on every step of the way.
Kathrin Wuetz
Kathrin is the founder, Chief Trainer and Executive Business Coach of Perception Unlimited. She is fluent in German, English and Spanish language and specializes in the fields of Communication, Leadership Development, Personal Profiling, Change Management and Public Speaking. And as without Health and Wellbeing, none of the beforementioned really matter, this is this field she focuses on most of all.
Kathrin has a passion for applied psychology and body language and practices yoga and meditation.
Her diverse corporate and entrepreneurial background, as well as her certification as international coach and trainer in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) allow her to combine hands-on business experience, state of the art training practices and a personalized coaching approach across multiple cultures and regions. Kathrin holds a huge curiosity about what drives people. She spent countless hours on the search of how to build a strong bond with our unconscious mind to increase our mental and physical capabilities. As a result, Kathrin combines a unique set of skills and practices from a wide range of disciplines which she passionately shares with her clients.
If you are now curious to find out more, contact us to book a coaching or training session with Kathrin!
At Perception Unlimited, we work with a strong network of associates.
All of our associates are masters in their field of expertise and hold multiple years of experience. We establish client relationships for life and deliver to the highest standards. If we can't deliver what you are looking for, we will put you in touch with people who can, who hold the right expertise and speak the right language for your training needs. Striving for excellence, such as we do.
Dominik Klimmek - Power Identity™ Workshop
Dominik is our Peak Performance Coach specializing in creating, shaping and living your POWER-Identity™. During his international career as management consultant, Media-CFO & entrepreneur, he first recognized the critical differences between stressed unproductive people and successful fulfilled people. Eager to find out more, he quit his job and immersed himself completely into the world of personal development. Needless to say, he never looked back!
As a Tony Robbins certified trainer and a peak performance coach, Dominik now shows motivated ambitious C-level executives how to implement these tried-and-tested strategies for lasting long-term success. He helps them to build powerful teams and motivate their team members to achieve peak performance. Since 2019, he has successfully led participants to break through any seemingly unbreakable personal limitations and led a variety of seminars, online as well as in person. In his free time, he continuously strives for new challenges and is passionate about biohacking, breathing techniques and ice-baths.